Happiness | Tea & Post

Wednesday 30 April 2014


I mentioned in my April Goals post that I've been feeling as though I'm in a bit of a slump lately. Between being ill, working and doing uni work I don't seem to get a lot of time to do things that really make me happy. One of my favourite bloggers Emma from Writing Essays With Wine tagged me in a post that focused on happiness and it got me thinking, what are the little things that have made me happy? 

Staying positive isn't always easy but having a note of things that brighten your day can really lift your spirits when you refer back to it. On days when you feel particularly mopey it can help jog your memory of  the little things that bring you joy.  Here are some of my happy thoughts that cropped up when I was reflecting on this.

Making Plans

I may now feel as though I don't have much freedom time-wise but that will eventually change as I finish my first year at University and Summer begins. Looking ahead and making plans with my pals makes me super happy, it gives me something to look forward to. At the moment I'm most excited for two roadtrips that have been discussed. I love driving, particularly for a long distance and it will be fun to explore a town that isn't where I live.

Source: Tumblr

Fresh Bedsheets

Perhaps one of the most common 'little things' that makes people smile. There truly is nothing better than climbing into a big, clean bed with cold, fresh sheets. Magic.

Source: Tumblr

 I love it when seasons change, it's a welcome respite from the previous one which although exciting at first soon becomes old news. I am so bored with Winter right now, the calender might say it's Spring but UK weather has so far said otherwise. I can't wait for the odd sunny days where I can take a walk in the crisp, clear air and warm sunshine.
Source: Pinterest

Bedtime Snuggles With My Kitty Cat

My cat isn't known for being overly affectionate, so when I'm lying in bed and hear her little squeaky miaow it truly brings a smile to my face. She usually comes trotting into my room, jumps onto my bed and pushes her head into my chest before nuzzling into my arms.

Peppermint Tea

I used to be obsessed with tea (as you might be able to tell by the title of my blog). I even used to sort of collect it which is a bit pathetic haha. I had tins of loose tea, breakfast tea, fruit tea, herbal tea and many kinds of green tea floating around in my cupboards at one point. One I hadn't tried though was peppermint tea which I recently tried for the first time. I've been drinking it pretty much everyday since. I find it really refreshing and so easy to sip once it's cooled down.

Source: Tumblr

Fresh Flowers

I suppose this is sort of linked to the fact that it's now Spring. Having a pretty vase with flowers filling my bedroom with its delicate scent is so lovely. I'm yet to buy my first bunch of flowers this year, I'm hoping to do so this weekend!

Source: Tumblr

Late Night Conversations

I don't know about you but late at night is when my brain tends to whirr the most, perhaps because I'm a bit of a night owl. Being able to talk to someone else when it's that late makes me happy because I have someone to bounce my barmy late night ideas off.  I also love it because I find that people tend to be more honest when you speak to them at this time. I always feel like I know someone better after a late night chat.
Source: Tumblr

Putting Away The Electronics Once In A While

This is such a rare occurrence as I must admit, I am a social media addict. Sometimes it's so nice to just put the laptop and phone away, take a step back and do something that's completely unrelated to technology. I rely on it way too much and I guess sometimes it's nice to see the world without an Instagram filter.

Source: Tumblr

White Summer Dresses

Wandering around in a pair of sandals and a floaty, white dress embodies my idea of Summer. I can't wait to start window shopping for a Summer wardrobe!

Source: Pinterest

Pamper Time

I don't care what time of year it is, there's nothing as good as a nice hot bubble bath. Especially if it's followed by climbing into soft, comfy pyjamas.

Source: Pinterest

What are the little things in life that make you happy?


  1. This is such a happy post! I might put together a similar one myself-- can always use some extra inspiration. When I was in school I remember this always being the worst time of the year because so much work was usually piling on, but it's so close to the end that it's hard to stay focused! You're almost to summer though :)

    1. Definitely do! I'll keep an eye out for it :) Yeahh it's at the point where I feel so close but yet so far, just want it all to be finished so I can start my summer!

  2. BLENX this is possible inspo for when I can sit down and write my blog! :) (having a break from planning to read this) - SUCH a lovely post :) xxxxxxx

  3. P.s YES to peppermint tea - speeds up the old metabolism too and fills you up! Also relieves stress appaz and cleans skin, sinus' and stomach problemos - little bit of witch doctoring at work within this stuff!

    1. Ah that's good! My skin is in serious need of help at the moment haha and could defo do with some stress relief! xx

  4. Firstly, thank you so much for saying I'm one of your favourite bloggers, I love reading your blog so that means a lot :D
    Secondly, Im loving all of these things that make you happy. Clean bed sheets is one of the simplest but nicest ways to cheer me up, especially after a really hard day, getting into a clean bed is like heaven. Im way to reliant on technology, I think one day Im going to turn my phone and laptop off and have a day just being without technology. :)

    Emma xxx
    Writing Essays With Wine

    1. I love reading your blog too! :) It's so hard to put the laptop and phone away haha but I always really appreciate it after a while xx

  5. i love peppermint tea and white summer dresses as well!! Good luck in your studies and i hope you have a great summer!!

    1. Thank you! Hope you have a wonderful summer too :)


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