A Little Lush Haul. | Tea & Post

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

A Little Lush Haul.

A short while ago I found myself in London with some free time to kill. Naturally, shopping seemed like the best solution and as I was only a quick walk away from Oxford Street, it would seem rude to not stop by.

I don't think I've ever visited that particular store before and I was blown away by the fact there were three levels filled with lush goodness. THREE! Grabbing a basket I happily browsed through the selection, noting that all of their vegan products were very clearly marked.


Frozen - £3.95
As a massive Disney fan, I would've been highly disappointed if I didn't love this bath bomb. I first tried it when I received it as a gift and it's been one of one of my ultimate favourites ever since. Mainly thanks to the beautiful iridescent glitter that fills the tub and leaves you feeling like a sparkly princess. The scent is an absolutely gorgeous mixture of fresh and fruity, which is again one of my favourites. I think I'm going to try and save it as a special treat this time, although I've no doubt I'll be buying more in the near future.

Dragon's Egg - £3.50
When I turned vegan I was very scared that I'd no longer be able to use this bath bomb. It's been a favourite for a couple of years now and I can't enter a lush shop without leaving with at least one.  Imagine my delight when I discovered I can still use it! I think the most exciting feature of this bomb is that it fizzes and crackles as the popping candy is released from inside the fizzing exterior, spiralling round the bath until it finishes in an explosion of glitter and colour. It's not my favourite scent as it's rather floral but the effects make it worth the money every time.


The Experimenter - £3.95
Every now and then I like to feel a little daring and grab something from Lush that I've never tried before. The scent of the Experimenter is a little unusual but I decided not to let that hold me back from trying it (after all, Dragon's Egg wound up being one of my favourites and I don't particularly love that scent!). I'm excited to see what colours will be produced and whether there are any other effects, I love a bit of popping candy!

Monsieur Gustav - £2.00
I've been intrigued by the bath oils for a little while now, a little hesitant to try them in fear that they would stain the bath. I finally decided to bite the bullet and selected two to try for the first time. Monsieur Gustav is a gorgeous little purple ball of glitter, sliding between my fingers as I attempted to place it into my basket.

Razzle Dazzle - £2.00
The other bath oil I picked up was Razzle Dazzle, rather similar to Monsieur Gustav except for the fact it is pink instead of purple. I can't wait to give them both a whirl! 


  1. I really need to stock up on LUSH products. These all sound interesting :) I really want to try Dragons egg :) sounds really good!

    Hana | www.hanarosella.blogspot.co.uk ♥

    1. It's amazing, I really need to buy some more!

  2. I've never heard of the bath oils, I wonder if they'll start selling them in Australia soon! I like the look of Monsieur Gustav :)

    Elese | elesedowden.com

    1. I think they're still fairly new :) I only recently found out about them!


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