Monthly Summary: August | Tea & Post

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Monthly Summary: August

This past month has been one of the most manic ones in ages and the madness isn't quite over yet! Within four short weeks, August brought me numerous parties, two holidays, a festival and a roadtrip. Expect lots of posts in September explaining a little more about everything that has been going on! 

What I've Been Reading

If I'm completely honest, I've fallen quite behind with my blog reading! Usually I like to spend around an hour before bed catching up on my old favourites and trying to find new ones but lately, it just hasn't happened.

What I've Been Writing

Most Popular Instagram Photo

Story Behind The Photo: My friends and I were staying at a hotel in Ibiza and weren't very impressed by the food provided, so we ventured out to sunset strip in search of something more to our taste. We reached the restaurant 'Savannah' just as the sun began to set. Despite the clouds, it gave a rather beautiful glow before it disappeared from sight. 

What's Happening Next Month

As I'm writing this I'm currently in my bedroom in Athens, I'm due to be here for another few days before flying back home on Saturday. After a quick washing of clothes and repacking, I'm then headed to Tenerife for a week. So excited for that! When I return it'll be business as usual, with lots of revision being packed in for my upcoming exam. Still pretty terrified about that! 

What do you have planned for the next month?


  1. Great post, its my birthday month =]

    1. Happy Birthday for whenever it was! 😊


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