Monthly Summary: June | Tea & Post

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Monthly Summary: June

Hooray! It's officially summer!

It's been a busy couple of weeks filled with birthday celebrations, barbecues and having to work most weekends. If I'm perfectly honest, I'm slightly glad June is over.

For some reason it seems as though most people I know were born between the months of May and September so it gets a bit crazy with the birthdays at this time of year. My little brother and cousin turned 19 and 20 this month which makes me feel like an old lady. I still see them as babies! It's been nice spending some time with them as one is now back from Uni and the other is heading off in October.

I marked the beginning of summer by having a barbecue at my house. What started out as a small gathering ended up being quite a large dinner party as my friends all flocked home for Father's Day. It was really good to have everyone together again for what felt like the first time in ages (many of them have now moved up to London) and I love that barbecues are such a group effort. We cooked together, drank together and ended the evening playing a rather rowdy game of trivial pursuit.

The biggest highlight of the month by far happened last weekend when I was taken to London by my lovely auntie who had bought me tickets to see Idina Menzel for Christmas. She belted out some of her most popular songs from Rent and Wicked with a few from her albums before finishing spectacularly with "Let It Go" from Frozen. Amazing. 

What I've Been Reading

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Story behind the photo: It was our final day in Barcelona and we were stopping by the last few sight seeing stops, one being the Sagrada Familia. Because we would be catching a plane in the afternoon we didn't have much time so wandered around the outside of the building instead of queueing to get in. It's so big it's really hard to get the whole thing in shot, so I opted to focus on the architecture at the top of the building against the sky with the crane looming over. Was pretty happy with this! 

What's happening next month:

I've been looking forward to July all year as I'll be going on my first proper holiday in ages. I'm heading to the popular Albufeira in Portugal for a week and can't wait to kick back by the pool with a book and a cocktail. There's also the possibility of a camping trip in the New Forest which hasn't really been organised yet. I'm hoping we can make it happen but I'll just have to wait and see!  

What have you got planned for July?


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