Two Little Ducks | Tea & Post

Monday 2 September 2013

Two Little Ducks

Saturday was the 31st August, which meant it was my 22nd birthday. I seriously cannot believe I'm 22 already, next thing I know I'll be 30! I spent the morning with my family, opening my presents and having breakfast which was a delicious smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel with some scrambled eggs and a glass of Cava. I was lucky enough to get the Marc Jacobs Honey perfume I'd put on my Birthday Wishlist as well as some money, some vouchers and some Molton Brown bath stuffs. My best friend even got me a trip to Belfast so we can go to the Titanic exhibition! Lucky girl indeed!

Having had a quick nap (and oversleeping, the Cava knocked me out, oops!) my friends arrived at my house and they'd made me the best cake I've ever eaten, I'm not even a big fan of cake! This was so light and fluffy and look how pretty it is too! We then headed out to the Peterboat which is a pub in Leigh-on-Sea where I had some prawns and Pimms for lunch.

I did then have to rush home pretty quick as I was going out for dinner with my family. After speedily doing my make up and getting changed we got the train back to Leigh. A short walk from the pub I had been at before was a restaurant called The Boatyard. We sat out on the deck which had the most lovely view and had a few drinks whilst I unwrapped a few more presents. My Nan and Grandad bought me a vintage hair styling kit, can't wait to try it out!

Having been sat at our table we ordered a few bottles of wine and our starters, I decided to go for the baked camembert with a summer berry compote and sliced focaccia. I absolutely ADORE cheese, it really is a weakness haha so this was amazing. The berries gave it a sweet tang and the cheese was delightfully smooth.

For the main course I chose to have a steak, one of my favourite things to eat. Can't beat a good bit of tender, juicy steak with a crunchy salad. I ordered some buttery mashed potato with pancetta on the side as well which was amazingly tasty.

I wasn't planning on having dessert as I knew I had plenty of birthday cake back home. But this intrigued me, a white chocolate cheesecake served with a glass of Brandy Alexander. My mum and auntie decided to have it so I thought I'd give it a try too. The cheesecake was lovely and the brandy with it was a nice addition. I never really drink brandy but it really complimented the white chocolate in the cheesecake.

With our tummies full and being slightly light headed we walked back to the train station so we could go home, once we were in my brother, cousin and I went straight upstairs to put our onesies on. We then sat and watched Beauty and the Beast (my favourite Disney film!) with a  cup of tea. My mum brought out my second birthday cake of the day which was a Disney one, I'm clearly a 9 year old trapped in a 22- year old body haha. That cake will have to wait for another day though, I'm way too stuffed!



  1. So much food! And I'm all for disney princess cakes yum. Just found your blog, it's great!


    1. haha I know! Going to stick to salads for the next month I think. Thank you! I'll have a look at your blog now :)

  2. The food is making me drooooool! You actually packed so much into one day. Glad you enjoyed :-) bring on the weekend for part 2! (And Thursday for part 3 kind of!) xxx

    1. Am excited, thank you so much for the cake again! xxx

  3. I LOVE your onsie! & the fact that you could fit so much in a day :)

    xx Alicia

  4. I LOVE your onsie! & the fact that you could fit so much in a day :)

    xx Alicia

  5. Yum, everything looks so great and your day looks like it went amazingly :)

  6. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day.

    Didn't realise you lived so near me lol. Love the Peterboat and the boatyard is gorgeous, I work right next to the Ship pub x

    1. Thank you! I didn't realise either haha! I'd never been to the boatyard before was so nice in there x


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