A Blurry Week In Ibiza | Tea & Post

Monday 8 July 2013

A Blurry Week In Ibiza

This time last year I'd just got back from this amazing holiday so I know writing this post is definitely going to give me the blues. In June 2012 myself and eleven friends boarded a plane at London Southend Airport to fly to Ibiza for what was one of the most incredible weeks I've ever had.

We'd managed to keep the price down to just £350 each for self catering apartments at Ibiza Mar Aparthotel. Originally we had booked at a previous hotel but last minute we found out that they'd overbooked and we'd have to find somewhere else (thanks Going Places!). Having read such disappointing reviews online we were expecting the worst yet ended up being quite pleasantly surprised. Everything was pretty basic but that was all we needed. The only slight problem we hadwas that some ants decided to join us in our room, however that was our fault for being so messy. It also turned out it was the same hotel The Midnight Beast used in their video for Pizza in Ibiza!

We only visited one big club in our time there as we were on such a tight budget, most of my friends had just finished university so had only had a limited time to save. We went to Es Paradis for the water party on our first night in Ibiza. We began the night by having a few drinks on our balcony, there was a Spar shop just a short walk away from the hotel where we had stocked up on vodka and gin. A few rounds of the drinking game 'Grand National' and we were ready to go. We were all in agreement that the water party was one of the best nights out we've had, witnessing a club turn into a giant swimming pool was quite something! One thing I will say though, if you plan on going to one of these parties and you are a contact lens wearer try not to fall over! My silly Primark sandals really didn't help me and I spent a lot of my night spluttering, clutching to my friends neck hoping my lens' hadn't fallen out.
One of our favourite places to go when we were there was Ground Zero, known as Ibiza's only indie & rock bar. Jumping around singing along to Mr Brightside by The Killers is one of my favourite memories from this place. The music was good, the drinks were cheap and the staff were friendly. Winning combo if you ask me! Another bar we frequented was Linekers, not too far from the hotel and there were always drinks deals going on. Some of the England football players turned up there one night, sadly it was one of the nights we had chosen to stay in. Probably for the best though as it would've more than likely been rammed.

We did make it to the beach for one day, where the boys went on the banana boats and waterskis. Unfortunately I was too low on cash by this point to do any water activities but just swimming in the sea and sunbathing was fine by me. Especially as by saving my money I got to attend Ocean Beach Clubs opening party later on. We enquired about what was happening as we walked past and decided to go in and see what it was like. Pretty much everyone in there looked like a model, apparently there were a few celebrities milling about as well but we didn't see anyone. The drinks were expensive but the atmosphere was amazing, they'd gone all out with the dancers and the lasers.
A few friends who had been before had recommended that we go to Zoo Project, which is a party on a boat for most of the day before being taken to an old Zoo to party more. You also have to dress as an animal, knowing I had bought a zebra print dress for the holiday anyway made this easier. I had a lot of fun with Zoo Project, but a few of my friends didn't realise they had seasickness until they got on the boat, so be careful about that! (I'd forgotten my sunglasses on this day so I had to borrow my friend pineapple ones, it wasn't meant to be part of my outfit haha!)
 We did take some nights off from the drinking and going out, for instance, one night we decided to have a netball match in a nearby playground where we found out we're all too competitive. Another night we bought an inflatable boat which we filled with ice and water to keep our beers cool before chilling on the balcony the whole night. We also got a bit bored of living off Spar baguettes all week so we found a Tapas restaurant which does the tastiest calamari I've ever tasted. You should definitely check it out if you go to San Antonio! (http://tapasrestaurantibiza.com/tapas-menu/)  Ibiza is such a beautiful place and there is so much to do. I can't wait to go back so I can experience even more of it. Maybe next year?!

1 comment

  1. Ibiza is fantastic! I have been there 3 times because some friends have ibiza apartments. My favourite atractions of the island are the beaches and Las Dalias (the hippy market)!


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