Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside | Tea & Post

Sunday 14 July 2013

Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside

Having spent what seemed like forever in a perpetually grey country, where it rained at least 80% of the time, I was absolutely delighted when the weatherman reported a small heatwave coming our way. Summer seems like it's finally begun, I've been prancing around in my sandals and dresses, attending and hosting BBQ's, going for walks along the beach and even went to a local festival.
Living by the seaside is something I always appreciate in the Summer, especially as I only live a 5 minute walk away. Recently I took my grandparents out for afternoon tea at the Roslin, which boasts a view of the seafront along with the most amazing scones and little sandwiches. We sat out in the terrace area basking in the sun, sipping on wine and tea whilst having a catch up. Afterwards, we decided to walk home along the seawall before heading to the nearest Tesco to buy some ginger beer which we could enjoy in our garden back at home.
In a local park, a short train journey away from where I live, there is an annual free festival held where local artists and businesses come together to promote themselves. This year was the first time I'd actually heard of it, but it's been running for years on donations from people who attend the event and aided by those who give up their time to make it a success.
As my friend and I approached the park we were surprised by the sheer size of it, it was a lot bigger than we had imagined and genuinely looked like a smaller festival. There were two big stages (one even had a screen!), several small tents with acts in, food stalls, shops, bars and hundreds of people all with a cold drink in one hand singing along to the music. It was so packed that eventually we took our cans of gin and tonic and found a quiet spot near the rose gardens where we decided to play a game of cards and have a drink.
We later went and listened to some of the bands, once most of the familys had taken their children home and the park wasn't quite as busy. Several bands that have done quite well were playing, one being Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly who is fairly well known. With the sun beginning to go down and our alcohol supplies having taken a bashing we took a walk to a local pub that's based in Leigh-on-Sea to have one final cider before heading home.

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