Monthly Summary: May | Tea & Post

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Monthly Summary: May

I can't believe it's June already. This year is FLYING by!

May has been a pretty busy month for me and I finally feel like I'm starting to get some semblance of normality back. I've been concentrating quite a lot on my studies which are now for an ACCA (this is the opportunity that has stopped my long term travel plans for a while) and I'm actually finding the course a bit easier than I expected to. Hopefully I'll be booking my first exam soon, eep!

I've also made an effort to stop being a hermit and ventured out the house to see my pals which has boosted my mood tenfold. These last few months have made me realise how truly lucky I am to have the friends I do. Between a few nights out in London, a weekend in Barcelona and nights spent in chatting in our pyjamas, I've made some great memories this month. A particularly memorable night was going to a Eurovision party and having to get the tube across London dressed as Jedward.

Story behind the photo: Battling a hangover, I decided a blanket fort would be my safest refuge. It was well worth the effort it took to create and I spent the rest of my evening sipping camomile tea and watching Disney films. This should be a Sunday staple. 

What's Happening Next Month

Next month looks fairly quiet at the moment aside from celebrating more birthdays of friends and family. I'm looking forward to making the most of the beginning of summer, perhaps throwing the odd BBQ or two and going to the beach. I'll also be reading up on the destinations I'll be visiting in the next few months, if you know of anything I should read about Tenerife, Portugal or Greece then let me know!

What have you got planned for June?


  1. I love that Instagram photo and the story behind it! I haven't built a fort in YEARS! I now feel compelled to build one (and watch Disney movie's in it). I also love the idea of posting your most popular Instgram photo for the month. I may steal this in my next monthly summery. Thanks for the idea and the share!

    1. Let me know if you end up building one! I may have to this weekend :)

  2. I can't believe that it is June already too......slow down 2015!!!

    1. Next thing we know it'll be Christmas again!


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