Seeing London Through A New Perspective With Big Bus Tours | Tea & Post

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Seeing London Through A New Perspective With Big Bus Tours

Living only an hours train journey away from London has both it's perks and drawbacks. The city has always been easily accessible to me which meant plenty of day trips when I was a child and also the opportunity to work there, which I have done for the past three years. Perhaps it is due to the frequency of my visits that I am now indifferent to this incredibly old and fascinating city. I find myself never really straying from my usual route to work, I shop in the same places and I drink at the same bars. My eyes are always down, intent on getting to where I need to be on time.

It's only recently that I realised just how oblivious I've been. The turning point was a blogger event I was invited to by Travel Bloggers Unite with Ripley's Believe It Or Not!, Big Bus London and Planet Hollywood. Unfortunately I missed the Ripley's section of the event as I was waiting for Emily from The Cosy Traveller to finish work. We made it just in time for a quick glass of wine before hopping on the bus that would be taking us on a mini tour of London.

 Sitting at the top of an open deck bus you get a completely different view of London, I found myself looking up a lot more and by doing so saw how wonderful the architecture in London is. You don't notice the intricate swirls around windows, ornate pillars and pops of colour against the sky when you're always looking down! Our experience was made even better by our guide, Phil, who was both witty and informative. He had quite extensive knowledge of the city and it made me slightly ashamed about how little I know, I've been reading up about the city ever since!

The little taster tour we were given has inspired me to get out and see more of London than just the area I work in. Our final stop on the bus was just outside Planet Hollywood where we were given the opportunity to mingle with other bloggers and members of the industry. Conversation was flowing as platters holding some delicious food were waved under our noses and our wine glasses were topped up. I had the pleasure of meeting some lovely bloggers including Sophie, Ximena and Jess, you should check out their blogs!

Thank you to Travel Bloggers Unite, Ripley's Believe It Or Not, Big Bus Tour London and Planet Hollywood for such a lovely complimentary experience.


  1. I've seen most of them too when I was younger but it's been such a long while since I last acted like a tourist in London :) Let me know whenever you next come down, would be lovely to meet you! x

  2. […] Seeing London Through A New Perspective With Big Bus Tours […]


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